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2001-09-14 - 2:35 p.m.


America bleeds and our hearts break, As we see the building burn, Our souls fill with fear and hate, Of this lesson so painfully learned.

Terror grips our brave noble hearts, The heroes arrive to save the day, As the building once more is torn apart, And under that twisted mass our heroes lay.

We strive to understand as we hear the news, The Pentagon in horrors flame, Wondering now at what else we might lose, Striving to find someone to blame.

We hear of passengers fighting for freedom; We know of their deaths and of what they saved, We search within ourselves hoping to find the same, Of the bravery and sacrifice that was made.

We are eternal in our vigilance of freedoms rights, We are the vengeance called for from our victims souls We are a nation of heroes to Gods delight, Until this terror is brought low, forever will our brave hearts toll.

Jerry Wilson

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