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2001-09-12 - 9:45 a.m.

Wednesday September 12, 2001

State of mind: Shocked

What is there to be said, We got caught with our pants down (Captain Kirk ST II The Wrath of Khan). Appropitet I think, in so many ways.

There is so much hate in me right now, so much of me wants vengance I find that I succomb to An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth a life for a life.

Normally I would not but right now I do not care what I do care about is my country is bleeding and we this nation will never be the same, a part of our innocence has left us and to cover that wound the call is for blood, I do fear that it will cost blood of the innocent to avenge this atrocity, and for that I am sorry. But punished they must be, does that make us just as bad as the?

This is the one of the worst things that has ever happened in my lifetime. My heart is broken as I think on the devastation that has ensued because of this action, and the fact that some countries are dancing in the streets over this does nothing but piss me off. The great loss of life, the terror that this causes, what they are going to make us do all of this is what the future holds.

I don�t really care who did this, no really I do not, because not just one terrorist needs to be stopped, not one but all of the SOBs.

You just say hey he has done terrorist actions, they die. Star Chamber justice my friends that is where the truth lies, in this I am totally convinced and I hold it so very close to my heart. You want to screw with my country, you want to take us on, I guess it has been a while since we flexed our collective muscles, well my friends out in the world you made two mistakes this time. One you attacked the USA, and second you bastards, we have a Republican in office not some bleeding heart Liberal (please take no offence there are some liberals I love to death, but war mongers they are not).

As of now we have lost over 207 firefighters 68 police officers, and an untold number of people in the WTC. In the Pentagon there are over 800 confirmed killed, I want to know what our response to this is going to be. It has to be big, it has to make a lasting affect, and we have to end this now, once and for all by making it to costly for those bastards. There is not much I can do but vent and rage, my vengeance will be carried out by others, for that I am thankful. Again God bless you all.

I leave you with this my peeps:

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder, two brothers torn apart by chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb.", "The third big war will begin when the big city is burning." � Nostradamus





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