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2001-08-21 - 2:17 p.m.

Well lets see here its time for a story. Let me just sit here in the fire and tell a tale of woe. Ya see here your old Uncle Owen is ready to speak, so ya�ll shut your mouths and listen.

They say with age comes wisdom, it aint so, it just aint so.

Or story takes place oh some two years ago, it was hot I recall. Ragnarock hot, Fergus could not take this hot, Fergus�s Kilt could not take this hot, witch I guess is why he tore it off. I guess it could have been the sheep farm down the road, but I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I digress for this story is not about Fergus, oh no my friends its about, can you guess, yep a doll for the red headed stepchild in the back, you got it bucko its about ROME.

Now as I was saying it was Ragnarock XIV (that�s ten eye ve or 14 for you non roman numeral using people) The Numenoreans had made us march all the way to the back of the camp site (did I mention it was hot?) and had told us. �You are going to storm our castle and take our money�. Well us being the obliging neighbors that we are well we obliged them. Now I know a lot of you do not know me, nor do you know my unit. But it�s called

Gwynedd and much like Rome we are members of the realm known as the Aratari Now let me just tell you, their castle was not what it is to day. As a matter a fact it was a bunch of hay bales stacked on top of on another. And we formed up our shield wall (The Aratari) and just sat there for, oh about 5 or six mins. Now I had a bow, and of course no one in their right mind would be afraid of me with a bow because as Dominus always says. Owen you are wasted as an archer . Well at any rate I takes my here bow and I goes around the side of that there castle and I start shooting. Now I kill a few guys and gals while I am shooting in tot his castle, Dominus has it all on tape he even had a kill ratio for me, he�s such a sweet guy (well to his friends at least).

But once again let me continue, after all I know ya�ll are waiting to here about Rome. So after I get tired of killing people I run over and get my sword and shield, gather my Gwynedd peeps and we charge the gap, and the killing of the Numenoreans begins. And Gwynedd, with Caledonia kill or wound about all of the ones left, but much to our sorry all but me are dead and I have lost a leg (god I hate flails). Then the pain begins, as Rome comes charging behind us splottering everyone that stands in their way. It was glorious to watch.

Yes, yes I was getting to that, every thing in its place.

So the battle ends and I am so happy it was great and grand and we did fantastic. Then just to ruin my day (And it happened all of Ragnarock, Dominus can witness to this he was there on like four different occasions) One dead Numenor guy gets up and starts yelling about how Rome did all the killing. I look over and point out that it was not just Rome; the guy looked at me and said oh really I don�t see anyone other than them here. HELLO I WAS RIGHT THERE IN HIS FACE. Do I look Roman?

Now later in the day I am in Rome camp (because that�s where my girlfriend at the time was camped) and the same guy came up and said how great we where and how cool it is to be Rome. I looked at him and said �We are not all Rome, we are the Aratari� once again he got that blank look on his face and said �What�s the difference your all the same right�. Now Harn dose not even hesitate he grabs both my arms as I just start sputtering and I swear the guy thought I was having a conniption fit. Dominus just stopped and explained to him what the Aratari where, as in their units. He shook his head as if he understood, looked at me and said how sorry he was. I had calmed down by now, I may be big, but I ma no where near as big as Harn, and any man that can pick me off the ground with one hand well lets just say he is a very calming influence. However all of you have let me digress again, now where was I?

Oh yes the guy saying sorry, he did then he said the one thing that I will never forgive �But you know since Rome owns you guys and all� well that�s about as far as he got. You thought I was sputtering before hand, lol, Harn didn�t even try and stop me I berated this guy for like half an hour. What he meant to say was that Rome was our leaders and that we followed them everywhere, and did things for them. Of course this just set me off worse. Ah the wisdom sometimes comes with age my brothers and sisters, but not often.

Now all of you might be saying oh he is jealous of Rome, or he doesn�t know what he�s talking about. Well my peeps let me just tell you I have been fighting Rome since the first day they stepped out on the field as Rome, and I fought them before they where Rome. And do you know what, they are a great unit, they have some of the best fighters in the world and they are some of my best friends. But no I am not jealous of them, and I do not hate them. I do respect them, and some of them I love dearly. But people, people please know that when you fight Rome at Ragnarock, you fight the Aratari, not jus them.

I know it sounds like a lecture, well you know what it was. But still I had fun writing it.

No offence was meant to Rome, Numenor, nor any Dagorhir group.

Uncle Owen the deranged.

[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: Owen ]

[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: Owen ]


If you know me, I may not know you, but if i do know you, and you know me, then we know each other....

Owens personal page

I am the Celtic Ninja, the ever stealthfull Rhino of Doom.....Owen Rag XVI

wearing black-on-black shadow plaid, he stalks the night~RavenRose


The big red freight train, I like that. Having been on the end of that freight train I can tell you this it hurts. Why I remember once, it was January 1st of oh I guess 1998 at the dead dog hang over battle. I had just gotten there and checked in my stuff. I was to say the least hung over, having been to one of Baltazar's parties the night before. Now B-zars parties are not like Rome�s parties (and if you ever have a chance I would suggest you attend one, they are much fun and although some have been, oh how to put it? Hm, well I guess heart rending would be the word I would use, they always make you feel better, heck I purposed to my wife at the January Rome party so like I said they are great fun). Well I digress, at any rate the battle begins and we have a great hour of fighting my head starts to clear and then, they call kill the king battle. Now I being a king really do not like this battle, go figure, but I am lucky they choose a small light fast guy to be king of my side. Ok I say no problem; well to make a long story short everyone on my side dies but the king and I.

The next thing I know here comes that big red freight train running toward me, why me? Well I stood in the way of them and the king. Now in my life I think I have been crushed like four times three of those times was by Rome. And so the dust clears and I go to sit up and what should happen? I scream in pain, yep trampled by Rome and a broken collarbone. OUCH. The perfect beginning to a new year sigh.

The next time was about six months later and none of my guys showed to a battle it was just I. My team had been wiped by the big red freight train (really like that) and I was surrounded no ware to go and I get hit in the leg I go down to get smacked in the back of the head by a sword as I am stabbed in the face by a spear and as all of this is happening I swing kill Harn and he falls on me. I leave the battle go to my house and sleep. The next day I wake up and cannot open my eye the entire side of my face is covered with a burse (think of Mel in Braveheart, but where the wode should be nothing but a deep black burse). Also after I got to the hospital they tell me I have a concussion. The year was getting better nothing broken.

The third time was at the beginning of this year Rome marched all the way across the field and Gwynedd did their best impression of a baby seal (wack).

The fourth time was by Half Ork and is a SCA story and well that hurt too.

Please do not think that I hate or hold anything against Rome, I do not, they are hard fair fighters and what has happened to me could have happened to anyone. My problem is I never duck and cover, I stand my ground, and sometimes you pay for that. They as far as I know have nothing against me, it just, it�s not a battle till ugh gets hurt. None of these things happened on purpose, I just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, story of my life really. I say this so none of you will think I hold a grudge, Sean (Dominus) even came to check on me at home after the battle, and again a few days later, when I broke my collarbone. And as for the second time, well I have never been alone at a battle with out some of my people again. So some good came of it, and the last time well lets just say it is a motivating factor to the unit. So alls well that ends well. This is your Uncle Owen saying be safe, be real and avoid the train if you can, it hurts.


If you know me, I may not know you, but if i do know you, and you know me, then we know each other....

Owens personal page

I am the Celtic Ninja, the ever stealthfull Rhino of Doom.....Owen Rag XVI

wearing black-on-black shadow plaid, he stalks the night~RavenRose


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