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2001-07-25 - 9:02 a.m.


Let us take a moment and think about characterization and what it means to us all. Well actually lets talk about what it means to me because you are not here and I am and I would never try and tell someone else their opinion of anything. So I show up to a Dagorhir battle and I fight as a oh lets say a Goblyn. Ok I am a Goblyn (notice the welsh spelling people Goblin with a Y)

And as a Goblyn I am not Owen I am not a king, knight, kinsman, or what ever else I normally am. Some people need to understand and respect that fact. And also need to know that if a kinsman, knight, king or any other title person shows as anything other than their character then they are not that character. Not really as hard as it seems. You want to see that goblyn as a kinsman then you are warped in da brain. But hey be stubborn if you want it still does not change the fact that I am right, and the majority of people agree with me. I know I took a poll: Agree with Owen 99%, Disagree with Owen 1% hey what do you know I am right again!

The rumor mill keeps turning

Anglesey speaks, and the world yawns

The meeting this weekend was to say the least unsuccessful, it ended as it began, Anglesey saying we could be all the kinsmen we wanted to be but not in SCA. Lorrymar made a good and valid point in stating that if we are not recognized in Anglesey then they are not recognized in Gwynedd. That would be the way to go that would be the right and just thing to do. But I owe Trystan, and he wants to try and reunite the groups. Ok well here is his chance; here it is I have given in on the point that any kinsman that is part of Gwynedd will be recognized as such. Note here no Shindar, no other bog trooper no one but the Gwynedd people shall be recognized in the Gwynedd council, that is as far as it will go, my audacity does know some bounds.

I know that Trystan wants all the kinsmen to be brothers and for us to all get along. And that is a truly great and wonderful dream, and one that I share. But I think he may be in for an upsetting situation, but for him I will try.

Badger made some good points, and some points that I myself would like to be clarified. He seems to think that I am not a kinsman, or so his attitude would suggest. Well let me just inform him of this, I set in the circle, my helmet was one of the first, and I was there when Anglesey was formed in Trystans house. I was at the first event that we showed up as Anglesey. The first Pennsic that we fought in the The Rainbow Warriors I was one of them, I have in the past bleed Green and Gold .

I was made a kinsman the same night Balynar was. By the same means and the same way, to tell me I have no right in that council is very short sighted of him. I was there when his jerk ass was turned down all those years ago from becoming a part of the brotherhood.

My vote boys and girls was counted, recorded and I spoke to the council on it. He would never have been a Kinsman if I had not voted yes; it only takes one vote to say no and no kinsman hood for him. Sometimes I really get pissed at those guys. And to be fair it may not be all off them, just a few or even one or two. But the feeling is there. Hell I earned my title in that group, I fought, I led, I built armor, trained new fighters, and stood beside them even when I knew they where wrong and Michael was right. I never even stopped to think about it, I just did it. Because that was home, and home is where the heart is. More the fool I, that my friends remains to be seen? So once more unto the breach dear friends, once more

Well lets end on a prayer ok, God grant me the wisdom not to kill the stupid. To change what I can, and to make fun of those that are different. To not understand anothers point of view, and to try and enforce mine on everyone I meet if their view is different from mine. ~ Old Angelheadedkinderkhan prayer..

One last thing my return to SCA is emanate, feelings run from cold fear, to delirious anticipation. And I wonder who besides Trystan really wants me back there?

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