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2001-07-18 - 3:16 p.m.

Well I went off on Anglesey last week and got yelled at by Trystan. Well, hey this is my page and my thoughts. They do not have to come here and I would rather they did not. But if any of them did, well that’s ok because its only the truth that is written here, or my version of what the truth is at any rate. And as we all know the truth will set you free.

Ok so Gwynedd, the oldest unit in Aratari Dagorhir. The oldest unit in all of Dagorhir, we all of us hold that with such pride. I love Gwynedd and all the people in it. What is there not to love? Ok I will tell you, the slack and half ass way people do things. Their excuses for not showing to battles and practices, lame is the best of them. But on the other hand these guys would give their lives for each other. Now that is friendship is its truest form. Yes they are slack, yes they drive me insane, and yes I wish I could change some of their habits. But over all I love them all, yes even Mortaki.

Anglesey News

So I hear things from my old haunting grounds and it disturbs me greatly. I hear that Laynaya (No lay ya as Trystan once put it, she got over that I hope) is trying to move my beloved old SCA unit in to a more Celtic atmosphere. Now this would not be so bad if the people wanted this to happen, however it is said by many that this is not the case. Anglesey was always a bunch of stick jocks that got together and fought, yes we where Celts, and yes we enjoyed playing that game also. But never was it a driving motivation of the group. Now it seems that if they are not careful it may be just that.


I find myself smiling as I read my message board; the Kinsmen of old are coming to a Dagorhir battle. God how I have missed them and how I fear what they will say. I see myself as a boy again and hearing the taunts of the older warriors. I hear how inferior I am because of my house, my religion, or because I am different. I am torn, and the worse part of it is that I can not be there to fight at their side in the battle. My responsibilities are with Brian this weekend. I am I feel dammed if I do and dammed if I do not. Where will this lead, perhaps to Trystans dream, or at least a step in that direction. God will it so, for him and for me.

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