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2001-07-16 - 3:43 p.m.

Well hello all, its glad I am to be back because I have words for you all. Well its that time a year again that I think of Travis. He is a very old and dear friend of mine, one of the only ones whos life I would actually seeing myself sacrifice myself for. He is beyond words a great guy. Well some years ago his father committed suicide and it was really hard for him. I remember the phone call vividly I remember talking to him for like three hours. I wish I could have been by his side, I wish so much I could have helped him. I know what you are all saying, He has to want to help himself. But I tell you all this, he did want to, he did help himself and he I think is a much stronger person than I would have been. If I had lost my father well lets not even go there. This is about Trav and not me.

He has stopped his posting on the Diary he usually puts up, and I think this is sad and he should continue with it. He has friends out there that truly care for him and he should let them bare any of the weight that they can for him, after all Jesus did not carry the cross all the way to the hill by himself, a friend reached out and helped. Well I think Trav might get a kick out of my Christian commit there. Let me tell you guys a story about his dad.

The first time I met his father I had come over to Travis house to build some weapons. His father seemed a nice guy, and I actually talked to him for a while until Trav got home. He spoke of Christ, and of his struggles that he was going through and of other things. I liked the guy, and I know despite the problems they had Travis loved his father greatly. I hope that this time of year gets easier for him as time goes on, somethings I know never go away and I doubt this ever will, but I do hope it becomes manageable.

Well for me thats about all, be well all my peeps and be free.

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